
Duke TIP

The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) is a nonprofit organization committed to serving academically gifted and talented youth. Duke TIP works with students, families, and educators to identify and engage students with enrichment opportunities and challenging educational programs. Starting in the 4th grade, students are eligible to participate in Duke TIP by meeting specific scores on qualifying tests. Parents and students will be notified by the campus counselor if he or she is eligible to participate. To learn more about Duke TIP and its benefits, please contact your campus counselor. In addition, a Duke TIP parent night is offered for qualifying 7th graders and their parents in the fall. Information regarding the parent night will be posted on the district and campus websites. Finally, visit Duke TIP's website for more information. 

Duke TIP 4th-6th Grade

Duke TIP 7th Grade Talent Search

Duke TIP Parent Presentation

First page of the PDF file: 2019-2020MidlothianDukeTipPresentation